- Linda: Sure. Come into my office. 琳达:当然。来我办公室吧。
- Come into my office and you will hear something to your interest. 到我的办公室来一趟,你会听到对你有用的话的。
- Gordon: Hi, Jane. Come into my office and close the door. 高登:嗨,阿珍。进来我的办公室,把门关上。
- Come into my office. 到我办公室里来。
- Two men, neither of whom I had ever seen before, came into my office. 两个男人来到了我的办公室,他两个我以前从来没有见过。
- Mr Jones: Come into my office. 琼斯先生:来我办公室一下。
- A few days before he made the announcement, Henry came into my office to tell me what he had in mind. 在亨利宣布此事的前几天,他来到我的办公室,告诉我他的考虑。
- Henry: When I came into my office, a workmate cried to me,'Look! Your shoe's untied!'I just looked at my shoes. And others had a good laugh. 亨利:当我走进办公室,一个同事冲我大叫:“看!你的鞋带开啦!”我于是看我的鞋。别人都笑了。
- Henry: When I came into my office, a workmate cried to me,‘Look! Your shoe‘s untied!’I just looked at my shoes. And others had a good laugh. 亨利:当我走进办公室,一个同事冲我大叫:“看!你的鞋带开啦!”我于是看我的鞋。别人都笑了。
- I won't say who, but one of our programmers came into my office and proceeded to yell at me over a feature request he'd been given to program. 我不想说是谁,反正是我们的一个程序员冲进我的办公室,指着分给他作程序的界面要求,对我大声叫嚷。
- Oh, one more story: A woman whom I coach came into my office the other day with what was supposed to be her list of throwaways but she didn't want to talk about it. 还得再说一个故事:前几天,接受我辅导的一位女士带着自己“扔掉”清单来到我的办公室可愿意提起它。
- An idea has just come into my mind. 我刚想到一个主意。
- Please tell the secretary to step into my office. 请告诉秘书到我办公室来一趟。
- If a burglar came into my room at night I'd throw something at him. 要是半夜三更窃贼进入我的房间,我就会扔东西打他。
- I'll tell you after you come into my house, Tao Zi! 进屋我说给你听吧,陶子!
- She stormed into my office waving a newspaper. 她挥舞着一张报纸怒气冲冲地闯进我的办公室。
- A valuable book has come into my hands. 我弄到一本有价值的书。
- I caught two men trying to break into my office. 我恰巧看见两个人企图破门进入我的办公室。
- Oh, baby) Come, come, come into my world. (哦,宝贝)来,过来,进入我的世界里。
- Sergeant O'Neill. Would you step into my office? 欧尼尔警官,请到我的办公室来一下。